Delivery : Workflow

Software engineers take product backlog items and /or associated tasks and assign them to themselves. 

During development, at the end of every day software engineers update the work remaining on the outstanding tasks they have worked on, but are not yet completed.

After development, they are moved to the product backlog board column of test, when the tester will pick these up and check the quality of the work.

If defects are found in work completed for a backlog item in the current sprint, details of the failed acceptance criteria are documented in the backlog item and it is set back to a status of committed.  As the product and sprint backlogs are in priority order, and worked on in this order, it will appear back at the top of the outstanding work for the sprint.

If a defect is found outside of the scope of backlog items in the current sprint a bug will need to be raised, given an initial 0.5 day estimate and placed in the root of the release iteration.  It should be given a status of new and placed at the top of the bug stack in the product backlog. It should not be placed in the current sprint.  The backlog item under test, which is not in the current sprint, should not be moved to the current sprint.

Testers should use their judgement as to the level of detail that need to be recorded, it can be a much more pragmatic approach to supply brief notes and be prepared to demonstrate the issue.

status definitions

Visual Studio Online Team Customised Dashboard (shows sprint capacity and burndown, work breakdown by status and cumulative flow)